Raise Your Vibration Meditation

10,000 People Needed to Change the World

You don’t comb the mirror, you comb your own hair and the mirror changes. — David Icke

It’s really a game.

Why? Because life is a game. Play well.

For those of you courageous enough, bold enough, curious enough…join us in this great adventure…. the journey to enlightenment. We ask simply that you suspend all judgment, and similar natterings of the lower mind, until you have had the Moment…the one breath of “ah ha” to fully comprehend what this “game” is able to do for you.

The game itself is simple…. but the effects are profound…. in ways you might not fully understand for quite some time…but it matters not…the results will be the same even if your physical brain is not able to grasp it in its entirety. Play on…. anyway. The brain may even be lulled into a bit of a trance or a sleepy state…that is intended, for the work to be perceived by the subconscious is beyond the conscious workings of the Mind. This is a way to re-train your brain….t o think higher thoughts.

The Raise Your Vibration Meditation is a quick and easy way to raise your level of consciousness (LOC). A few minutes every day will calm your mind/body, give you more clarity, improve your decision-making abilities and create more harmony in your relationships. As your LOC increases, your life gets easier….. there is more flow…. less effort in co-creating your abundant reality. The bonus is that you will also have an impact on the collective global consciousness…. you will help to uplift humanity. A person at the 500 level will uplift 750,000 people. Someone at the 600 level affects 10 million!


. In the test trials conducted, players gained 5 points on average per month. What an increase for a 10 minute daily commitment. Hawkins also states that “It is important to realize that the calibration figures do not represent an arithmetic but a logarithmic progression. Thus the level 300 is not twice the amplitude of 150; it is 300 to the tenth power.” An increase of even a few points, therefore, represents a major advance in power. The rate of increase in power as we move up the scale is enormous.

A person’s vibration at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels (these levels are also like subtle bodies within us) may be very different from each other. This Meditation  tends to get these subtle bodies more aligned and communicating with each other and at the same vibrational level. In moving from the fourth to the fifth dimension, it is critical to get all of your “bodies” into the same dimension as a minimum goal…. so that there is harmony within your “system”.

According to Dr. Laura DeGiorgio:

“I find it necessary to discuss the difference between the subconscious and the superconscious mind in order to stress the importance of accessing the superconscious – specially when desiring to reach the goals that a lot of people consider “impossible” or place them into a category of “miracles”.
Subconscious mind, in spiritual literature referred to as soul, is the repository of your previous learnings and experiences, of your beliefs about the world. It is the storehouse of all your thoughts and feelings, which together release a VIBRATION. In turn, this VIBRATION through the LAW of RESONANCE attracts into your experience everything that resonates with your beliefs.

Superconscious mind, in spiritual literature referred to as God, or Universal Mind, is the Source of all power, all knowledge, all love, peace, it knows of no time, nor space, it has no limitations.
Superconscious mind is omnipresent, ONE MIND expressing through all, and each human mind is only an individualized center of consciousness of this ONE MIND. Contrary to the popular opinion, your mind is not in your body, your body is in your mind.
Whatever limitations you are experiencing are strictly due to the limiting beliefs you hold in your subconscious mind. The way to overcome them is by FloatingMindfulaligning your conscious and subconscious minds with the superconscious mind. You do this by being willing to let go of your own beliefs about yourself and the world around you and opening yourself to the information, the power and the love flowing into “your center of consciousness” directly from the superconscious mind. In spiritual literature this is often referred to as surrendering to God.

Here’s what happens in this process of surrender. Imagine that your individual self is a drop of water, while the superconscious (God) is the ocean. When you surrender to it, when you merge with it – you have access to all the attributes, to all the power, wisdom, and love of the ocean. When you feel the surge of this power and love running through your body, you may even feel overwhelmed with love or gratitude and may even find yourself crying. You may also experience some strange symptoms in your body as your body is adjusting to be a conduit for more power.”
(From her website: http://www.deeptrancenow.com/superconscious.htm)

The Raise Your Vibration Meditation allows your superconscious mind to reprogram your subconscious and conscious minds.

Consciousness, in its simplest form, is an awakened state. It begins with awareness…. in the beginning, it is an awareness of self…of the Divine essence within you…it evolves to your awareness of others and their own Divine natures…as your awareness expands, you begin to see the inter-connectedness of all beings…and, ultimately, grasp the concept of Oneness, of total Unity Consciousness.

Levels of Consciousness

Levels of Consciousness (LOC) are sign posts along your path…they let you know that you are getting closer to your destination. They are there to help you stay on course…to progress rather than regress. They are not intended to please the ego…to encourage comparisons or judgments. Simply regard it as a map.

Enlightenment begins with that spark of Light…that Divine Inspiration that created you. Enlightenment is actually seeing/recognizing that spark within…to see yourself in your fullness as Soul…far beyond the limited, flawed form of the body/mind. It is in the recognition of the Divine Essence you are, that you become Conscious. As your consciousness expands, as you move from the perspective of the little “i” to the big “I”, you shed the veils of illusion. With full enlightenment, you cease to see yourself as a body…there is no more sense of self…you are at One with the All.

A Powerful Framework For Your Personal Growth

Firstly, having a framework of consciousness empowers us in knowing where we stand in our current state of growth. While all of us can try to live consciously every day, without knowing the point we are starting from, we are just randomly groping in the dark. Having a map gives us a fix on our current location. When we are able to identify our starting point, we can then make actionable plans on where we want to go next.

Secondly, it breaks down all the different levels of consciousness attainable, thus serving as a critical framework for conscious living. Without knowing the highest end state of consciousness we can attain, we can only be making baby steps of progress and not be optimizing our full potential. But having clarity of the different levels of consciousness provides us with the full context of growth. By knowing the other levels ahead, we are more able to comprehend how limiting our current level of consciousness is, what we should be striving toward and the highest end point we can reach.  This framework provides us a very good reference point to start with.

The Omega Point

The Omega Point is a spiritual belief that the universe is evolving toward a higher level of material complexity and consciousness. The term was coined by the French Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881–1955).

The Quantum Omega Point Theory of Frank Tipler. Ph.D. is “Quantum Gravity with the Omega Point Boundary Condition”. Tipler accepts the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, and claims that all existing universes are parts of an universal wave function extending through superspace.

Frank Tipler is professor of mathematics and physics at Tulane university who first earned his Ph.D for proving some important theorems in that context of General relativity, which say that closed timelike curves could not be constructed in local regions of spacetime without either violating the weak energy condition or creating a singularity.

A conversation, with Frank J. Tipler
Alpha: the singularity is the un-caused first cause
Omega: the un-caused final cause is a final singularity

For most, having this consciousness guide has been very helpful in identifying where we currently stand in our pursuit of growth, becoming more conscious of reactions toward life events and what they represent, understanding the limitations of the level I am at and what I should do in order to further expand.

Consciousness Defined

What is consciousness actually?

Being conscious is more than just being physically awake. It is also more than just being aware. Awareness typically refers to knowingness at the mental level, while consciousness is a state of knowingness that encompasses all mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of ourselves. To be conscious is to have awareness of one’s thoughts, emotions, own existence, sensations, and surroundings.

The consciousness we operate in is actually equivalent to the lens we use to see reality. The perceptions, beliefs, mindsets and values we hold right now are a result of the consciousness we are operating in. Whenever we experience a shift in our consciousness due to an epiphany, an AHA or inner realization, we are actually breaking away from our old consciousness and as a result, old belief systems and attitudes. This is the same as shedding of an old lens we used to see reality with and adopting of a new lens.

Why Increase Your Consciousness Level? 375819_481362995221232_854469038_n

As mentioned above, consciousness is like a lens you use to view reality. Being at a different level of consciousness means you are using a different lens to view the world. Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, values and actions are outputs of the level of consciousness you vibrate at. While the object you are observing (i.e. life, the world, events in your life, yourself) can remain the same, just having a different consciousness level causes those outputs to be widely different.

Let’s take an analogy with myopia. If you are at the lowest level, it’s like you have extremely high myopia of -10.00. You can’t see anything beyond an extremely distorted sense of self worth and the world. At a higher level however, that visual fog lifts and you develop higher clarity on yourself, the world, and your place in the world. Your vision becomes less hazy and more accurate. The higher you go, the higher the clarity your vision on what the world around you entails. All these changes come from just a change in your consciousness; in reality nothing about life or the world has changed. To increase your consciousness level thus translates into a more accurate viewpoint of reality. This allows you to lead the truly happy, full and abundant life which you are meant to experience.

Map Of Consciousness

The map of consciousness was developed via kinesiology, or muscle testing. We’lll not be covering the technicalities here; if you are interested in the details, it’s best to check out the book – there are two full chapters dedicated to the explanation of the methodology, testing and interpretation.
From this test, a scale of consciousness / energy level was calibrated, from 0 all the way to the highest end of 1000 points. Within this scale, there are a total of 17 different levels of consciousness demarcated by different points on the scale. Moving from 0 to 1000 mark a progression in the change of one’s world view from a fear-based consciousness, to a love-based consciousness. The highest attainable level is enlightenment at 1000.

Levels of Consciousness

Description of Each Level of Consciousness

A description of each level, starting with the bottom-most level. As you read this, think about which level resonates the most with you:

1) Shame (1-20): Someone at this level feels humiliated, has low self esteem, is paranoid. Common expressions where one vibrates at this level would be when one feels like he/she has “lost face”, wishes he/she is invisible, feels worthless. Some individuals at shame react by becoming overly rigid and/or neurotic perfectionists. Vibrating in this level for prolonged periods leads to elimination (of self and others), such as suicide, turning into serial killers, rapists, moral extremists who apply self-righteous judgment onto others. The person’s view of life at this state is misery.

2) Guilt (30): Feelings of blame and remorse hover here. Used to consciously or subconsciously manipulate conformance to certain forms of thinking and behaviors. Commonly melded by our society with public punishment and finger-pointing culture, by religious institutions with preoccupation of “sin” and “salvation”, acts of ritual killing to “appease” higher entities, etc. This level cultivates destruction. Hawkins cites the life-view as evil, which I disagree and feel condemnation is more adept.

3) Apathy (50): A state of despair and helplessness. Someone here is needy and dependent on others for help, such as the homeless, the poor, the aged population. Because this level feels “heavy” and is seen as a burden to others around, many people usually avoid those who are vibrating at these levels. For example, we see how the poor and unfortunate have come to be shielded away from the mainstream society. We also frequently see situations where the aged is abandoned by their own kin because they are seen as a liability. This level is associated with abdication, which means to give up one’s power to others. The life-view here is hopelessness.
4) Grief (75): Feelings of regret, sadness and loss are abound here. Many people vibrate at this level in times of losses – of loved ones, relationships, possessions, jobs, money, etc. Outcomes would be mourning, remorse, being hung up over what has occurred, etc. Someone at grief sees despondency and bleakness all around the world and in life. The life-view is tragic. Grief is a higher level than apathy, because one starts feeling more energy at this level, albeit of sadness and loss.

5) Fear (100): Energy at this level is oriented in anxiety. Common situations of fear at play would be fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of uncertainty, fear of challenges, fear of aging, fear of death, fear of loss, fear of strangers. This emotion is often played on by marketers and politicians to achieve their agendas. Fear leads to paranoia and can turn into an obsession. At this level, one views everything uncertain as fearful and thus undergoes the state of withdrawal. Thus, fear prevents personal growth from taking place. Someone in the level of fear sees the world as frightening.

6) Desire (125): At the level of desire, the emotion of craving becomes dominant. We have people pursuing money and status as end goals for a better life, lonely singles longing to be in romantic relationships believing it will complete themselves, marketers conditioning ‘wants’ in people’s minds through enticing advertisements and promises of happiness with consumption of goods, fashion industry playing on desires for increased attraction, just to name a few.
Addictions are outputs of desire, such as desire for food, video games, fun, sex, shopping, acquisition of money and power, etc. One becomes looped into enslavement at this level, because desire is never-ending emotion. The life-view is disappointing, which ensues when one cannot obtain what one desires. Desire is a higher level than fear because the desire for something propels people forward to action, rather than withdraw to a corner.

7) Anger (150): The emotion at this level is hate. Anger expresses itself as resentment, frustration and even revenge. Common manifestations of anger in the society are activism toward causes (environmental, animal rights, third-world countries, poverty-stricken areas), equality, social movements.
At the individual level, examples include irritable and volatile behavior, short-temper. The upside of anger is it has resulted in liberation and great movements in the society; the downside is dangerous behavior and intentional harm might ensue from it. The process one undergoes is aggression. The life-view here is antagonistic, where one is hostile, unfriendly and acts in opposition/rebellion against others.

8 ) Pride (175): Hawkins cite scorn as the dominant feeling of pride, which I disagree. I feel dignity is an emotion that is more representative of the level; scorn comes a result of this dignity, though it may be too subtle for people to recognize since it is often masked over. At our current society, pride is a level that is encouraged and seen as positive – for example, pride of being part of a group, institution, company, nation, religion, race.
However, this leads to a duality viewpoints, which acts as an invisible force to separate people. For example, nations exist because people identify themselves more with a geographical location rather than the a common, universal identity. Religions exist because people attach themselves to their beliefs of god and values which serve as a separator. On a personal level, people form pride based on possessions and external conditions, and it is vulnerable because such conditions can be removed at any point in time. Pride results in denial and arrogance. At pride, one undergoes inflation (of ego) rather than being able to see things objectively. The life-view here is demanding.

9) Courage (200): Affirmation is the key emotion here. This is the separation point between Power and Force, where one is starts creating change through the use of constructive states of power rather than destructive force. This is the first waking point where one starts to wake from his/her sleepwalker status. At the lower levels before this, the world is seen as hopeless, tragic, frightening, demanding; People from below 200 sees themselves as victims, at the mercy of life and subjected to forces of the external world.  courage
At courage one sees the world as exciting and filled with possibilities. One undergoes empowerment here. This marks the start of active pursuit of growth – where there exists a gap, the person will act to fill it. For example, learning new job skills, embarking on new education, pursuing personal growth. The life-view is feasible – anything is manageable since the person is able to harness power to deal with situations in life. People in the higher levels >200 recognize that their happiness and life lies within them.

10) Neutrality (250): The emotion at this level is trust and safety. Here, people are non-judgmental, objective and able to see things as they truly are. They are not attached to possessions, situations, outcomes and can roll with the punches in life. If they are not able to get something, they are equally happy settling for something else.
This is NOT the same as apathy – the power of neutrality comes from a positive place, where one recognizes his/her inner power and abilities and does not feel the need to prove anything to anyone; apathy is rooted from being forsaken in self and the world, resulting in nonchalance and jadedness toward the external world. The process is one of release (of everything), and the life-view is satisfactory, where anything goes. These people are easy to get along; however they are difficult to engage toward causes and visions because they are detached toward everything.

11) Willingness (310): Optimism runs high here. At Willingness, the individual is open to do anything and everything – he/she is not bounded by others’ judgments or by limitations. For example, he/she is willing to take on menial jobs if he/she cannot get jobs elsewhere. The marked characteristic between willingness and levels below is the desire to do things well (for the sake of it), rather than just doing things. Someone at Willingness can readily bounce back from set-backs, is easily moldable and genuinely open to everyone. Success follows them easily.
The process one undergoes here is of intention (to do anything). The life-view is hopefulness. At this level you have people who perform extremely well in their careers in 8088_498519233497340_1557696942_ncorporations, start-ups; however the question then comes as to whether they are investing their energy in the best way.

12) Acceptance (350): In my opinion, this marks the second waking point for an individual and where he/she is fully awake from his/her sleepwalker stance. Here, one finally realizes that he/she is THE creator and source of his/her life, as opposed to having relegated some part of it to someone else or a different entity. He/she is (1) aware of the social constructs present in one’s life, whether by family, society, nation, religion, work (2) able to discern against (limiting) beliefs, viewpoints and conditioning which he/she is surrounded with and (3) able to consciously craft his/her life above and beyond all these social constructs.
Characteristic behavior at this level will be acceptance vs. rejection, seeking for resolutions vs. judging right or wrong, long-term vs. short-term view, engaging on life harmoniously on its terms vs. resisting it, striving for personal excellence and growth. Forgiveness is the dominant emotion. The process one undergoes is transcendence (above what one faces in life). The life-view here is harmonious.

13) Reason (400): The emotion is understanding and rationality. One seeks out huge amounts of information and analyzes them to infinitesimal detail before reaching conclusions. This is where the noble prize winners, leaders of science and medicine and great thinkers of history calibrate. However, Reason falls into the trap of over-intellectualization in concepts and theories. Where differing theories clash and each argument is sound on its own, we reach a blockade, leading to the inability to resolve discrepancies. This leads to the process of abstraction or preoccupation with data. The life-view is meaningful.

14) Love (500): 47913_352650044824686_33639089_nThis represents unconditional love – love that is pure, unfaltering, unwavering, not subjected to any external conditions. It is not the same love that is commonly portrayed in mass media, which is rooted in lust, desire, pride, control, addiction, attraction, jealousy and possessiveness. While the media often establishes love and hates as opposite poles, hate is actually rooted from pride (desire for control/possessiveness), and not actual love.
Reverence is the main emotion in the level of (unconditional) love. At this level, duality becomes an illusion; the feeling is one of entirety that rises above separation. Unconditional love is inclusive of everyone and expands beyond self. While reason deals with specific data, love deals with entirety, thus giving rise to the capacity for instantaneous understanding. This aspect is often linked with intuition. The process one undergoes is revelation. The life-view is benign, there is no separation, fear or negativity. Hawkins claims only 0.4% of the population (1 in every 250 people) ever reaches this level.

15) Joy (540): The dominant emotion is serenity and compassion. This is the inner joy that arises from every moment of existence rather than from an external source. This is the level where saints, advanced spiritual students and healers dwell. At this level, one is characterized by enormous patience and an unwavering positive attitude in the face of harsh adversities. The world is seen as one of perfection and beauty. Individuals are motivated to dedicate themselves to the benefit of life rather than for specific individuals. Here, the process of transfiguration occurs (emanating of radiance from the person). The life-view the individual holds is completeness (of the world). Near death experiences have the effect of temporarily bumping people into this level.

16) Peace (600): The emotion is bliss. At this level, there is no longer any distinction between the observer and the subject.  images-1People here become spiritual teachers, great geniuses in their field to effect great contribution for mankind; they typically transcend formal religious structures and replace it with pure spirituality where religions originate from. Perception becomes one of slow motion, suspended in time and space. Everything is perceived as interconnected by an infinite presence. The process one undergoes is illumination; the life-view is perfect. Hawkins claims this level is only attained by 1 out of 10 million people.

17) Enlightenment (700-1000): The emotion is ineffable, in other words – inexpressible. This is the pinnacle of the evolution of consciousness of mankind. The greatest people of history have attained this level, such as Krisna, Buddha, Jesus, Mother Theresa. Here, the body becomes recognized as a tool to project consciousness in. One’s existence becomes all encompassing and transcends time and space. The process is described as pure consciousness. The life-view here is simply ‘Is‘. In achieving our highest potential and embracing our best lives, we should strive for the highest possible level i.e. enlightenment.

Overview of the Map of Consciousness

1. They are logarithmic figures and not arithmetic figures.
What this means is when you see a figure, say 200, it means 10 to the power of 200 (10^200) and not the absolute number 200. Thus, 200 on the scale does not mean twice the magnitude of 100.

2. A small increment by a few points represent a huge increase in magnitude.

For example, let’s look at 100 and 105. Even though it’s just +5 in pts, in logarithmic terms, a +5pt difference represents 100,000 (i.e. 10^5) times the difference in magnitude! This means even if you are in the level of Guilt or Apathy, just raising your consciousness by +5pt will result in enormous improvements in your well-being and state of life.
About the levels of consciousness:

1. The level of consciousness which you are currently at is a weighted average of the different consciousness levels you operate in.
A person usually vibrates at a default consciousness level and shifts to a couple of levels below and above that level depending on the situation. Every thought, every feeling and every action you have in every situation is rooted from a particular consciousness level; all these can be summed up and averaged to identify the default level you are in. It is rare someone will maintain an exact same state of consciousness in a given period of time. Even within the same day, you may behave at a certain consciousness in this context and at a totally different consciousness in a different context.
One influence on your consciousness is the stimulus in your life. This includes the situations you are in, the type of people you spend time with, your environment and so on. In times of pressure, one’s consciousness level usually gets bumped down a few levels. Depending on how the person recovers from the pressure, his or her default consciousness level might be elevated to a higher level after the encounter.

2. One can move across different levels of consciousness.
Your consciousness level now does not define what your consciousness will be in the future. It is open to change; it is not static. Each person is open to move across different levels, depending on how he/she (chooses to) evolve in his/her consciousness.

3. Distinction of levels of Power vs. levels of Force.
Hawkins segmented the consciousness into two main categories – one based in force (200). People in levels of Force vibrate at a level of fear-based emotions. They are more inclined to exert control over others or themselves (oppression, force, coercion, manipulation, violence) to achieve their desired outcomes. For example, crime, war, governmental passing of certain policies, abuse, or even authoritative leadership/parenting styles. People in levels of Power (love, empathy, understanding) vibrate at a level of love-based emotions. They are increasingly aligned with the present moment and universe and use that to bring about their desired results.

4. Each level can be beneficial/detrimental to you depending on the level you are at.

For example, the state of fear (100) may look quite undesirable if you are at the level of desire (125). However, if you are at the state of guilt (30), being around people at state of fear (100) is actually beneficial for you as it can help elevate you to a higher level. It is generally more effective when you are around people at higher consciousness levels which are closer to your level (vs. a huge distance ahead), since it is easier for your energy levels to reach resonance with theirs. When the people are too distanced from you in their energies, it may result in detachment and alienation instead.
On the same note, when you elevate yourself to a higher level, it becomes obvious that the lower levels are more limiting. For example, if you are at the level of Pride, you will see how levels of Shame/Guilt/Apathy/Grief/Fear/Desire/Anger bind people down. If you are at the level of Acceptance, you will realize how being at levels of Pride/Courage/Neutrality/Willingness restrain others

5. At Courage and Acceptance, one experiences a marked leap in the experience of the world.

An increase in consciousness at any level changes your experience significantly. However, there are two particular levels where one experiences a marked leap vs. the other levels. The first is Courage, which separates the levels of force (200). This is the first waking point from the sleepwalker status. The second is Acceptance, where one recognizes it is he and he himself who is the conscious creator of everything in his life. This is the point where one completely awakes from sleepwalking.

Where Does Our World Stand Today?         483833_464252286975038_2010495726_n

If you are to take a guess, what do you think is the collective consciousness of humanity today? 100? 200? 300? 400? 500?
When Hawkins wrote the book in 1995, he calibrated the collective consciousness of our world to be at the level of courage (calibrated 207). As humanity’s consciousnesses has shown to increase only about + 5pts every century, 207 is very likely still to be the figure for today.

However, this does not mean that the majority of our world is at the level of courage – in fact, 85% of the world calibrates below courage (200). The lower levels of the masses is balanced out by a few individuals near the top (remember the number is logarithmic, not arithmetic), thus giving us an overall calibrated figure of 207. Just having a few highly conscious leaders walk the earth is capable of raising the overall consciousness of the world – for example, Jesus, Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and so on. Before this, the world’s collective consciousness has been at 190 for many centuries.
Why is the figure so low? If we are to look at around at what we see in the world, the answer becomes quite apparent:

1. Over 80% of humanity is living at less than $10/day, under extreme poverty.
This includes third world countries, war and disaster stricken areas. Many people here are trapped in states of Apathy (50).

2. Religious teachings and institutions have drastically lowered in consciousness over the years, as they become embroiled with personal agendas of various men and leaders.
st.catherinejesuschrist.jpg.w560h631The original teachings of Jesus, Buddha and Krishna calibrated at 1,000. Today, the teachings of Buddhism dropped over the centuries to an average of 900+; Hinduism at 850; Christianity at 750 or even 500 depending on the denominations; militant Islam fundamentalism is at 130 (Desire). In order to keep members within the religion, many religious leaders turn to Guilt (30) and Fear (100) based teachings toward the members.

Link to Hawkins List of True teachers:


3. In first world developed nations, our society is deeply entrenched in states of Fear (100), Desire (125), Pride (175).
Fear includes fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of uncertainty. Desire encompasses the insatiable quest for material possessions (wealth and goods), status, power, love, belongingness. Pride takes root from dualistic views such as elitism, competition, nationalism, racial pride, factions, religions, as well as attachment to status/wealth/goods. These are all dominant levels we see our society operating in today.

4. Our mass media continually perpetuates levels of fear, desire and pride, or even lower.
Refer to the below table on the calibrated consciousness of several popular shows (obtained from New Connexion; unfortunately the content is no longer online). Try examining your favorite shows across the levels of consciousness and see where they are likely to lie.

Desperate Housewives: 63 (Apathy)
Bourne Supremacy: 73 (Apathy)
Everybody Loves Raymond: 82 (Apathy)
NFL Football: 82 (Apathy)
CSI Miami: 92 (Fear) – (This was one of my favorite shows years back!)
Day After Tomorrow: 92 (Fear)
Passion of the Christ: 98 (Fear)
Shrek 2: 124 (Desire)


The Raise Your Vibration Meditation, originally called The Enlighten Game, is the name given to a guided meditation technique that was originally conceived by Dr. Orest Bedrij and was developed and realized by Bill Hungerford and his associates David Beatty, Jim Georgi, Nancy Bragin and others. According to Dr. Bedrij, the purpose of the game is to open the channels of communication and to create an ever-expanding experience of alignment between the lower, limited ego-self (Matter) and the Most High Source Consciousness (Spirit). It is calling the ego-self to break out of its shell and transcend egoic limitations toward realizing its oneness with All-That-Is.

At the heart of this Meditation are the Perfections (or Alignments), those principles or qualities that embody the attributes of the Most High Spirit. Peace, Consciousness, Integrity, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Love, Health and Joy are just a few of the many Perfections included in the game. Dr. Bedrij devised the original list of Perfections but the player is free also to include additional Perfections that may appeal to him/her if they are not included in the list on the game board. The Perfections in this Meditation appear in Dr. Bedrij’s wonderful books Celebrate Your Divinity and Exodus III.



We know what we know and we see what we see because we are who we are. — Orest Bedrij, Exodus III


Let’s Go!

The Raise Your Vibration Meditation is done by starting with the first Perfection, verbally inserting that Perfection into position #1 (Stating the Perfection aloud). Then the player moves through all of the remaining positions in the left-side circle, speaking each statement aloud, to the area of intersection between the two circles where positions #8 and #16 both are located. The left-side circle represents the lower self, which is speaking to the Most High in humble prayer of petition. Then one moves into the right-side circle at #9 and continues around the remainder of the positions to arrive at #16 in the center again, the point of oneness. The right-side circle represents the response of the Most High. By moving around the playing board in this way the player is accelerating the “particles” (Perfections) along paths toward each other into a union of lower and higher consciousness and ultimate identification with the Most High Spirit.

After moving through the first round, the player then inserts the second Perfection into the statements and verbally moves through all 16 positions again. This process is repeated with as many of the Perfections as desired, or all of them, during one game period. The recommendation is to play the game at least once a day for five to ten minutes or longer should one desire to move through all of the Perfections on the game board.
People who have done this regularly for several months have reported noticeable, positive improvements in their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. It is a wonderfully simple and powerful practice to add to the Spiritual dimension of the ITP.
The co-authors of the game are preparing an interactive website to promote the dissemination and practice of The Enlighten Game and to offer feedback in the form of ongoing calibration of players’ spiritual progress as they continue to play over time.

The Importance of Raising our LOC during The Shift

The spiritual ego is fierce — it loves us to get attached to comparisons, so we need to be careful in this area and to really become more and more humble as we learn more.
What it means for us to be entering the vibration of the 500’s. Since it is speculated that the entire world is going into the 500’s, it’s an important question. Love is the new persistent positive emotion. Love is a major contributor to the elevation of the overall collective consciousness of mankind, as Hawkins says. I think at this point we begin to know unconditional love, not the heart chakra kind of love. I really feel everything happens at the point of intent — the body lags behind, slows it down so the left-brain can process it.
Someone entering the 500’s starts supporting 10,000 people. It’s much much more than 16 times 10,000.
The supporting energies that are now powerful enough that you can do your own speculation on what the 500 level means, how we can use it and where we want to go with it. Einstein said “Those that have the privilege to know have the duty to act.”

David Hawkins says this about entering the 500 level of consciousness: “To Love, the world becomes more benign (good) and its people appear more friendly and available. There is an increased feeling of safety and identification with mankind in general and concern for the welfare and happiness of others.” This energy field is accompanied by a radiant aura that intrinsically has an effect on others who themselves. They tend to become more benign, as do their perceptions on all life, which intuits the safety of Love through the field effect. Characteristic of this level are an unmistakable ‘sweetness’ of personality, speech, attitudes and lifestyle that is inwardly nurturing.

What do to be concentrating on right now? The new topic as we shift is authentic heart soul based love. The word love has become so convoluted by the various levels of our society that perceived qualities and differences in definitions of love and Love, could fill millions of pages.

One thing that is really needed now is a focus on inner self-honesty and examination, mainly of judgments which come from prior experiences. Judgment is huge at this level.

The Shift and You

Where we need to be going as we shift is toward unconditional love. The key to this is forgiveness and undoing the past. Most of everything is not up to us because we are turning it over to God. Thy will be done.
We feel the 500’s to 539 represent the overall Buddhic Body. The 540’s to 599 represent Christ consciousness with the supreme focus on love and when you enter the 600’s, you enter what us Theosophists like to call the Atmic Body, which is the start of realizing and living in the human spiritual light body. The Atmic body protects all of the other bodies below it.  We see it like going on automatic pilot – you don’t have to think about what to do or say, you just are.
Dr. Hawkins says that at 500 you start to reprioritize meaning, significance and value. When you do soul work you are actually going in and changing the past and you are also projecting that change into the future. It allows you to drop your faith in the validity of your past ideas. In the 500’s you start to get away from thinkingness. You start to see that these negative emotional images from the past really have no current validity or reality, and that they are merely “baggage” and that love supersedes all of it.
Hawkins also says, “When you can do deep surrender, the innate holiness of others and life itself are revealed in what is really a miracle of realization and this is one of the major realizations of the fifth dimension. “


What is LOC?
LOC stands for Level of Consciousness.
As used here, LOC or level of consciousness applies to your state of awareness and is a spiritual concept not a medical state of consciousness, as sometimes used in health care.
Your level of consciousness which is a score on the path to Enlightenment, can be determined by our calibrators or master dowsers, specially trained to make this determination.
Your personal LOC, your state of awareness, has a lot to do with the quality of your life. The “collective consciousness” helps to determine the quality of life on planet earth.

What Level of Consciousness Are You At?
What level of consciousness are you at? Which level do you find your thoughts and feelings dominating every day?
Remember that every thought, every belief, every feeling and every action you have is rooted from the level of consciousness you are in. When you shift your level of consciousness, you also change your world views and mentality.

Why should I care about LOC?
If you were drawn to this Meditation, you are already on the path to enlightenment! Rather than spend a lifetime searching, taking many workshops, reading books, studying with a mentor, why not try something simple and relatively inexpensive first? Raising your LOC will help you to live a better life….isn’t that reason enough?

It is important to note that Jesus, while living on earth, had the highest ever recorded LOC of 1,000. So the effective range for human beings is 0-1,000. The most critical milestones are the 200 level where people are no longer “energy takers” and may in fact contribute to the overall good. Below the 200 level is basically survival mode, with each man out for himself and generally is a “fear-based” existence. The range 200-500 is often defined as the “human mode” where individuals are thought to have a basic sense of civility and a sense of the common good. Most people in this range are “net energy givers,” although some individual thoughts and actions may be negative, i.e., net energy takers. The range of 500-600 is the spiritual mode and those in this range are generally thought to be major contributors to the collective LOC, with love of all and a sense of oneness as the predominant feeling. 600 and above is generally considered to be Enlightenment, and as few as 500 individuals living today are at this level.

This is away to dramatically improve your own personal spiritual well-being and the collective consciousness of your family, loved ones, friends, and everyone else on the planet. increase of level of consciousness IN A LIFETIME has been about 5 LOC points. This game has shown the potential (in pilot programs — although not scientific studies) to increase individual scores by 5 PER MONTH. What could be more important than increasing your LOC?

Why does the world need it? 406928_10151324356211654_972384307_n
As you are aware, a lot of change is happening in the world…..climate changes are bringing devastating results to many; there is still too much violence in spite of our “evolution”; many are starving; many are sick and dying…many who wish to help don’t know where to start…it seems overwhelming…..You may begin with healing yourself. As your LOC increases, you up-lift those whose LOC is much lower. Right now, the planet’s LOC is only 207. (It crossed the 200 level during the Harmonic Convergence in 1986) Everyone attaining an LOC of 500+ will uplift 750,000 people…..so we need 10,000 ‘peeps’ (our cute name for people) to uplift the world’s population of 7.5 billion.

Since 78% of the world’s population is believed to be living below the 200 level, it is in the interest of humanity that those at the higher levels uplift their fellow beings, and continue to seek higher levels of consciousness, possibly even Enlightenment.

What makes The Raise Your Vibration Meditation Cheaper/Easier?
It’s all you babe. You can start almost immediately, there is no charge.
We are not aware of any similar meditation available to potentially increase your LOC in a safe, guided and measured way.

What are the benefits?

A better daily life for you; more flow and ease; happiness; a feeling of connection to other beings and to your Source/God/Deity; and you’re helping raise the Level of Consciousness of the world.

How much does it cost?

There is no cost for a copy of the Game Board.  All we ask is that you “pay it forward” and you’re already doing that by doing this meditation.  Donations are appreciated to help with expenses. Donations can be made through Paypal to nbragin@mac.com. And thank you!

How does the meditation work?

lotuspearl_200x212It is a 10-12 minute daily guided meditation developed by an American who is one of the world’s top ten highest in LOC, in collaboration with other highly spiritual beings. At its core this is a simple guided meditation in combination with 50 attributes that resonate at very high levels of vibration. These attributes, sometimes referred to as “perfections” are important qualities to become better human beings, and to seek a higher level of purity and we believe, ultimately a higher LOC. It is believed that this program helps the super-conscious to over-ride the subconscious, and therefore over-ride your ego, leading to better thoughts and actions. Eventually through repetition, you program these words into your subconscious, where they begin working their magic!

Does it work for everyone?

We don’t know for sure…. but everyone in our test groups had a significant increase in LOC and reported positive benefits.

How long will it take?

That depends on you! If you’re diligent, sincere, and play it daily, you can increase 5 points per month on average…..some leap ahead quickly in the beginning….some shoot ahead after a few months…. it is very individual.

Can your LOC go down?
We don’t know of anyone’s LOC going down doing the Enlighten Meditation, but we suspect you could see a decrease depending on the decisions/actions you make in your life.

Can I do it in a group?

Yes! We highly recommend it. Competition is not intended (although it might happen), but support can be fun and helpful. Nancy starts a group game every few months.

The Gameboard

The board is comprised of three closely related designs using the following

three concepts: 1) an infinity symbol [∞], representing the Infinite

Zero-point Quantum Energy Source Field; 2) a Vesica Piscis or Mandorla, a

symbol created with two overlapping circles, representing the intention to

expand the intersection and to amplify the alignment between the lower self

and the Most High; and 3) a Particle Accelerator, a scientific device used by

Quantum Physicists that utilizes electromagnetic fields to propel charged

subatomic particles from different sources toward each other at high speeds on

a collision course toward the intersection of the two paths. Particles are

propelled in opposite circular directions and contained in well-defined beams.

The intent of this procedure is the discovery of new, more fundamental

particles (e.g., the Higgs Boson or “God” Particle) arising from the resulting

collisions.  — Jim Giorgi


Seven Bodies of The Enlighten Game by Bill Hungerford

Being a past student of Theosophy and a past President of the Patterson Branch of Theosophy in NJ, I am highly steeped in Blavatskyian Theosophy. I spent a week in the library at the Theosophical Society headquarters in Chicago, doing some research for Orest and for myself. The Theosophists have an amazing library and an amazing history. Their World Headquarters is in India.

Of course, Helena Blavatsky headed up the original organization and founded Theosophy back in the late 1800s. She resided in New York City.   HPB spoke about the “Golden Age of Aquarius” back then, and said it would be lead by the people. . I have read all 19 of her amazing books and many more, which were written by her immediate disciples, who were towering fountains of knowledge also. I basically came up with the eight body concept that I calibrate from the definitions of “bodies” in her books. Her system had a seven body concept and was very sophisticated with a lot of depth and historical references from around the world. I added the SX body, mainly because of my personal experience of the esoteric side of it.

I belonged to a ski club for many years that had a house at Killington, Vermont, where I ski now. The house that they purchased was used by Helena Blavatsky for several years and she materialized many entities in that home. Much of what she did there was reported in the New York Times. The place is still haunted and people sleep in groups.

I started to go through a rather detailed description of the “bodies” according to Theosophy and really enjoyed it. But in looking at it now, I can see that I am bringing up an unlimited number of topics not related to the Enlighten Game and a person would have to study Theosophy and the work of Helena’s followers including Alice Bailey, etc. to really understand it and it would be a huge diversion and distraction that is basically unnecessary.

David Hawkins concentrated on a person’s overall calibration, which is the most important indicator. I became interested in calibrating some of our other “bodies” to find out what is included when I calibrate a person’s overall vibration rate.

When I first started calibrating, I used the normal, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. To my surprise the average of these bodies did not total a person’s overall vibration. One by one I started experimenting with adding other possible “bodies”. I added the soul, then the etheric body and still the numbers didn’t add up. Out of desperation I added the SX body, mainly because of my personal esoteric experiences with it. I was getting close with the seven bodies, but something was still missing because the numbers would still not average out to the total body vibration. When I added in the calibration of a person’s Monad, the average of these eight bodies finally came very close to the overall vibration and often it was right on.

You really can’t add and average logarithmic numbers as I have done, but for simplicity of presenting the concept, the arithmetic adding of the numbers works. I am personally still learning about these various bodies, and it is a work in progress. The Monad is the least understood by me, but what I calibrate is what my current understanding and definition of what the Monad is, so it is important to be able to define my own belief system. I hope this first attempt at defining the various bodies is helpful.

Bodies of The Enlighten Game as Defined by Bill Hungerford


The Raise Your Vibration Meditation and Gameboard: William F. Hungerford 2010 and his associates David Beatty, Nancy Bragin, Jim Giorgi, Christina Kuepper, Michael Snyder and others.

The Perfections: Dr. Orest Bedrij Celebrate Your Divinity 2008

17 Levels Of Consciousness:  Celestine Chua celestinechua.com/blog

Subconscious and the Superconscious Mind: Dr. Laura DeGiorgio  deeptrancenow.com/superconscious.htm

Complete List of Calibrations


The first doubt block to be overcome is the startling discovery that the truth about anything whatsoever is readily available in a few seconds just for the asking. The normal response to this is disbelief, followed by paradigm shock, but then, curiosity pervails. The whole universe awaits discovery on a new level of understanding, out of which arise compassion and wisdom.”

~David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

For a complete list of calibrations: 

Complete List of Calibrations

David Hawkins Quotes 

“Make a gift of your life and lift all mankind by being kind, considerate, forgiving, and compassionate at all times, in all places, and under all conditions, with everyone as well as yourself. This is the greatest gift anyone can give.”

“The more we give love, the greater our capacity to do so.”

“Love is misunderstood to be an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others.”

“Everybody is like a magnet. You attract to yourself reflections of that which you are. If you’re friendly then everybody else seems to be friendly too.”

“Simple kindness to one’s self and all that lives is the most powerful transformational force of all.”

“At every instant, one is really making a choice between heaven or hell. The cumulative effect of all these choices determines the calibrated level of consciousness and one’s karmic and spiritual fate.”

“Pleasure is always derived from something outside you, whereas joy arises from within”

“All judgment reveals itself to be self-judgment in the end, and when this is understood a larger comprehension of the nature of life takes its place.”

“Every thought, action, decision or feeling creates an eddy in the interlocking, interbalancing, ever-moving energy fields of life, leaving a permanent record for all of time. This realization can be intimidating when it first dawns on us, but it becomes a springboard for rapid evolution.”

“The human mind is incapable of discerning truth from falsehood.”

“There is absolutely nothing in ordinary human experience to compare with the joy of the presence of the Love of God. No sacrifice is too great nor effort too much in order to realize that Presence.”

“To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know the nature of love itself. To truly know love is to know and understand God; and to know God is to understand love.”

“At some point, the illusion breaks down and the opening for the start of the spiritual quest commences. The quest turns from without to within and the search for answers begins.”

“At first, spiritual purification seems difficult, but eventually, it becomes natural. To consistently choose love, peace, or forgiveness leads one out of the house of mirrors. The joy of God is so exquisite that any sacrifice is worth the effort and seeming pain.”

“Inasmuch as the entire universe and everything in it is a karmic unity, the Allness of Reality is the realization of enlightenment. If all is a karmic unity that originates from the same source, then to see any separation is an artifact of perception. In Reality, the one and the many are the same.”

“Thus, if we take responsibility for being the author of our world, we come close to its source where we can correct it.”

“The doorway to Divinity is located and available as a direct experience in the exact split second of ‘now’ which is discernible between two thoughts.”

“All judgment reveals itself to be self-judgment in the end, and when this is understood a larger comprehension of the nature of life takes its place.”

“We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become.”

“The downside of spiritual education is the buildup of the vanity of ‘I know’ and the devaluation of people who are ‘not spiritual’. Therefore it is important as a foundation to spiritual training and education to learn how consciousness manifests as the ego and its mechanisms.”

The Raise Your Vibration Meditation and gameboard are free of charge.   Simply by playing The Game with intention you are paying it forward. Donations are gratefully accepted and can made through Paypal and any major credit card.


44 thoughts on “Raise Your Vibration Meditation

  1. Last night I was researching ‘The Enlighten Game’ and could not really understand what it was all about. Nancy, you heard my questions and answered them so clearly and with the now usual synchronicity – thank you, as always


  2. Hello Nancy. I am very interested in having a baseline calibration and want to play to play the game. I have been studing Dr David Hawkins work and growing. This is wonderful that you offer this to all of us. Thank you so much. Denise


    • Nancy, Love your site. Thank you for being here with me in this wonderful adventure. I would like to play the game. Would you calibrate me please. Thank you Denise


  3. When I initially left a comment I seem to have clicked
    the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from
    now on whenever a comment is added I receive four emails
    with the exact same comment. Perhaps there is
    a means you can remove me from that service?


  4. Hello , my name is Claudia and I would like to receive more info on the Enlighten game….. I am reading power versus force and have crossed this material years ago. fascinating!
    would like to know more please.


  5. Thank you for liking my blog. Love the synchronicity and to connect to you ❤ This is an amazing article and thank you for posting it. Another step on my cosmic cookie trail. Love to you 🙂


  6. Pingback: Lessons in Oneness: Schooled by Philly Homeless | Nancy Bragin

  7. Pingback: Tuesday Afternoon | Nancy Bragin

  8. Pingback: The Enlighten Game | Nadene's Weblog

  9. Hi Nancy
    I would like to sign up along with my son, Chris, for the next enlighten game…..May, 2014
    Also what is the information for Bruno Groening group in Your area?
    Thank you!
    Alana DuBois


  10. Nancy -Thankyou for having this information so clearly explained….it has pulled alot of threads of understanding together for me.
    I would like to be involved in this and “play” the enlightenment game – -however I live in Auckland, New Zealand so I hope its possible to be involved from afar.
    Would appreciate your response.


  11. Pingback: When It All Comes Together – My pregnancy findings… and healings

  12. Hi Nancy. I have just read your page after studying Dr Hawkins work. It took me a little while to get to his work as I went through the works of others first. I am glad I got to it as it brought it all together. You writing was so helpful, thank you. Please could you include me in the next enlightened group game please. I am in the Uk.


  13. Dear Nancy,

    Thank you for this interesting and inspirational piece.

    I would like to point out that the levels you have described come from L. Ron Hubbard of Dianetics and Scientology by way of Dr. Hawkins’ former teacher Lester Levenson of the Release Technique and Sedona Method.

    For example, in Hubbard, Apathy is at 0.05, Fear 1.0, and Anger 1.5. In Hawkins, Apathy is at 50, Fear at 100, and Anger at 150. Hawkins’ idea of a division between positive and negative or truth and falsehood also derives from Hubbard. Hawkins called this level 200; Hubbard labeled it 2.0.


    http://tonyortega.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Tone_Scale.jpg (Hubbard)

    http://www.whale.to/m/minshull1.jpg (Hubbard, simplified)

    https://spiritualmover.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/agflapchart1991.jpg (Levenson)

    https://scottishsiren.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/agflap-cap-small.jpg (Levenson, simplified)

    (Sources: “Secrets of David R. Hawkins: Map of Consciousness” by Arjuna Aletheia; “Doctor of Truth” and “Power vs. Truth” by Scott Jeffrey)

    Since all is One, I do not believe in levels. As you wrote, “Awareness typically refers to knowingness at the mental level, while consciousness is a state of knowingness that encompasses all mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of ourselves.” Since Consciousness encompasses all, there is never a level in which we are separate from God or Consciousness; it is just a matter of seeing it, but we are already It.

    Thank you.


    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi Nancy, I am very interested in receiving my LOC level and play the game. I would like to play the game myself. I have not ruled out playing the game with others. Can you please let me know how I would go about this. Thank you and many blessings to you.


  15. Dear Nancy, I have been playing the Enlighten Game every day since the EOTO. I look forward to receiving my base calibration from Bill. I understand he will not be sending out individual calibrations after the end of 2014. Is it possible to receive them from someone else in 2015? I have been doing kinesiology for years, but prefer for someone else to do it when it is about myself. Thank you. Love, Cornelia


  16. Of course, Helena Blavatsky headed up the original organization and founded Theosophy back in the late 1800s. She resided in New York City. She founded the new age movement and may have been the first model for women’s lib. I have read all 19 of her amazing books and many more, which were written by her immediate disciples, who were towering fountains of knowledge also. I basically came up with the eight body concept that I calibrate from the definitions of “bodies” in her books. Her system had a seven body concept and was very sophisticated with a lot of depth and historical references from around the world. I added the SX body, mainly because of my personal experience of the esoteric side of it.

    Doc has calibrate the new age movement at 190. can you rectify this quote.


  17. Nancy would love to join and do the enlighten game. What a wonderful way to help ourselves and others. Please email me with when and How I can begin.


  18. Hi Nancy, my ex-husband is really interested in being calibrated. He has asked me to help find someone who could do this. Can you help, please? Blessings to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I am wondering if you are still doing calibrations and how to take part in the Enlighten Game? Power vs. Force changed my life and I’m currently on I. I’d very much like to be involved.


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